3 Simple Ways to Find the Best ClickBank Affiliate Products to Promote on YouTube

3 Simple Ways to Find the Best ClickBank Affiliate Products to Promote on YouTube


If you are a beginner in the world of affiliate marketing, ClickBank is one of the top platforms to find products to promote and make money online. YouTube ads are an effective method to drive traffic to affiliate offers, and finding the right products to promote on the platform can be a challenge for beginners. In this article, we will explore three simple methods that can help you find the best ClickBank affiliate products to promote on YouTube and start your affiliate marketing journey on the right foot.

The first method involves browsing the free ClickBank affiliate marketplace to find the most successful products. Sorting the results by gravity can provide insight into the popularity of the product. However, this method does not show whether affiliate marketers are using YouTube ads or not. Therefore, it might not give you the best idea of which products to promote on YouTube.

The second free method involves searching for ads on YouTube related to ClickBank products. This method may take some time to find a suitable ad promoting a product you are interested in, but it’s worth the effort.

Finally, we’ll look at Video Advert, a subscription-based service that shows all ads currently available on YouTube and allows users to search for specific products. Sorting by views can provide an overview of which ads are making money, and it’s a valuable tool for finding the best products to promote on YouTube.

By following these three methods, you can identify the best products to promote, create your ad campaign on YouTube, and start earning money through affiliate marketing. Let’s dive into each method in greater detail.

Method 1: Browsing the ClickBank Affiliate Marketplace

Finding the right ClickBank affiliate product to promote on YouTube can be a daunting task for beginners in affiliate marketing. However, one of the simplest ways to find the best clickbank products for YouTube is by browsing the ClickBank affiliate marketplace.

ClickBank Affiliate Marketplace is a database of thousands of digital products that affiliate marketers can promote and advertise to make commissions. The marketplace is free to browse and contains products from a variety of niches, making it easy to find a product related to your area of interest.

To start browsing the ClickBank Affiliate Marketplace, simply click on the “Marketplace” tab on the ClickBank homepage. Once on the marketplace, sort by “Gravity” to find the most successful products with the highest conversion rates.

Gravity is an indicator of how many affiliates have successfully promoted a product in the last 12 weeks. The higher the gravity, the more successful the product is, and the more conversions you should be able to generate.

However, browsing the ClickBank Affiliate Marketplace has a drawback. This method does not guarantee that affiliate marketers are using YouTube ads to promote their products. Even if a product has a high gravity, it does not necessarily mean that it is generating sales from YouTube ads.

Therefore, it is important to take the time to narrow your search by checking whether affiliate marketers are promoting the product on YouTube.

One way to check is to use the search box on YouTube and enter keywords related to the product you are interested in promoting. Look for videos that promote ClickBank products and check whether the videos have ads running. Another method is to search for the product on Google and check whether ads appear for this product on YouTube.

In summary, browsing the ClickBank Affiliate Marketplace is a great way to find successful products, but it is important to verify whether or not other affiliates are using YouTube ads to promote these products. By using this method, you will be able to find many ClickBank products that you can promote on YouTube and start making money today!

Method 2: Searching for YouTube Ads Related to ClickBank Products

If you’re interested in using YouTube ads to drive traffic to your affiliate offer, you may want to search for YouTube ads promoting ClickBank products.

The process is simple. First, think of a few relevant keywords related to your niche. For example, if you’re promoting a weight loss product, you might try searching for “weight loss supplements” or “best weight loss programs.”

Next, head over to YouTube and type your keyword into the search bar. You’ll notice that the search results are automatically sorted by relevance. However, you can easily sort by view count to find the most popular ads.

Once you’ve found an ad that you like, click on the video to watch it. Pay attention to the product being promoted, as well as the overall content of the video. If the ad looks professional and has high engagement, it may be a good fit for your affiliate marketing campaign.

One thing to keep in mind is that not all YouTube ads are promoting ClickBank products. Some may be promoting other affiliate offers or even non-affiliate products. Therefore, you’ll need to do some research to see if the product is available on ClickBank and whether they have an affiliate program.

It’s worth noting that searching for YouTube ads can be time-consuming. You’ll need to watch several videos before finding one that’s suitable for your campaign. However, this method is completely free and can be a great way to find high-quality ClickBank products to promote.

If you’re interested in a more efficient way to find YouTube ads promoting ClickBank products, you may want to consider signing up for Video Advert.

Next up, we’ll cover Method 3: Using Video Advert to Find YouTube Ads.

Method 3: Using Video Advert to Find YouTube Ads

As we continue to explore the various ways to find the best ClickBank affiliate products to promote on YouTube, we come to our final method – using Video Advert.

Video Advert is a platform that provides users with a database of all the ads currently available on YouTube. By using Video Advert, affiliate marketers can effectively find YouTube ads related to ClickBank products.

One of the great features of Video Advert is that it allows users to search for specific products. This means that as an affiliate marketer, you can easily find YouTube ads promoting the products you are interested in promoting.

Moreover, sorting by views in Video Advert can give you a good overview of which ads are making the most money. This is because the more views an ad has, the more likely it is to be effective. So, by promoting products that have high-view ads, you are increasing the likelihood of making more sales as an affiliate marketer.

Another great feature of Video Advert is that it is easy to use. Users simply need to sign up, enter the product they are interested in promoting and the system will return all ads related to that product.

Video Advert also provides its users with detailed analytics of the ads. For instance, it will show you the number of views, likes, and dislikes on the ad, which can help you make informed decisions on which ads to promote.

In summary, Video Advert is a powerful tool that can help affiliate marketers find the best ClickBank products to promote on YouTube. By using this platform, beginners in affiliate marketing can take advantage of the most successful ads on YouTube and promote the products that are most likely to make money.

To conclude, we’ve explored three simple methods that can help you find the best ClickBank affiliate products to promote on YouTube. As a beginner in affiliate marketing, it is best to start with the free methods we’ve discussed here and explore paid methods as you gain more experience. Remember, affiliate marketing is a journey, and as you continue to learn and experiment, you’ll soon find the best products to promote on YouTube.


Affiliate marketing on YouTube has become one of the most effective ways to make money online. ClickBank is one of the leading affiliate marketing platforms that offer numerous products to promote. By using YouTube ads, you can create a profitable affiliate marketing campaign that attracts a vast audience from all over the world.

In conclusion, finding the right ClickBank affiliate products to promote on YouTube can be a daunting task for beginners. However, there are three simple ways to find the best products, which include browsing the ClickBank Affiliate Marketplace, searching for YouTube ads related to ClickBank products, and using video advert to find YouTube ads.

The first method involves browsing the ClickBank affiliate marketplace and sorting by gravity to find the most successful products. However, this method does not show whether affiliate marketers are using YouTube ads or not. The second method is to search YouTube for popular keywords related to ClickBank products and look for ads promoting these products. Although it may take some time to find a suitable ad, it is worth the effort.

The video Advert tool is another excellent alternative that allows users to search for specific products and view ads that are currently available on YouTube. Sorting by views can provide an overview of which ads are making money. By following these methods, beginners in affiliate marketing can find the right products to promote.

To succeed in affiliate marketing on YouTube, you need to keep learning and stay updated with the newest trends in the industry. Also, make sure to keep testing your campaigns and finding ways to optimize them for better results. With patience and hard work, you can build a profitable affiliate marketing business that generates passive income for years to come.

Remember that affiliate marketing is not a get-rich-quick scheme, and it requires effort, consistency, and dedication. Keep advancing your knowledge, and you will be amazed at how much you can achieve in this industry. Good luck on your journey to affiliate marketing success, and don’t forget to have fun along the way!

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